The Nichi Bei Weekly presents the 2011 Obon and Summer Festivals Guide

Deadline to place an advertisement is June 10, 2011.

Reserve your ad space today!

The Nichi Bei Weekly, the only all-English Japanese American weekly newspaper in the country, presents our second annual Obon and Summer Festivals Guide. We invite you to outreach to Japanese American communities across the country in this special edition, which will be distributed to churches, community centers, other venues and subscribers throughout the United States.

This edition will be similar to the popular Obon and Bazaar Guide produced in years past by the Nichi Bei Times — geographically the most widely distributed such publication in the country — and will showcase Obon, bazaar and summer festival schedules; feature articles on Obon (a time to honor the departed spirits of our ancestors), festival highlights and much more! We plan to distribute up to 16,000 copies of this special issue to festival attendees and key locations throughout the country.

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Place your advertisement order no later than June 10, 2011 to help sponsor this guide, which will be published on June 16. Download a PDF of the advertisement form, and mail to:

Nichi Bei Weekly
C/O Advertising Department
P.O. Box 15693
San Francisco, CA 94115

You may also fax the advertising information to (415) 673-1063. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our Advertising Sales Department at (415) 673-1009 or e-mail

The Nichi Bei Weekly — whose mission is to keep the community connected, informed and empowered — is published by the Nichi Bei Foundation, a nonprofit educational and charitable organization. It is the first nonprofit ethnic newspaper of its kind in the country.

We are excited about these upcoming community events and hope you will join us in supporting and celebrating the festivals!