Dear Editor,
As of July 20, 2020, California had 7,851 COVID-19 deaths and Japan had 988 deaths. That is a ratio of 7.9 to 1 and the ratio has been increasing daily. California has 40 million people whereas Japan has 126 million people.
California has 164,000 square miles of land and Japan has 146,000 square miles. Japan began their lockdown about three weeks after California due to their hope to have the Olympics in Tokyo this year.
Japan has more than three times the population of California, but California has nearly eight times more deaths than Japan due to COVID-19. The biggest difference in the prevention of being infected between California and Japan is that everyone wears masks in Japan, without question.
With the dismal leadership in the White House, it will not get better. Those who complain and not wear masks do not complain about wearing seatbelts when they drive. There are far too many Americans dying needlessly due to a lack of national leadership. We deserve better.
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