11 Bay Area Census tracts are segregated low-income AAPI neighborhoods


A report by the Bay Area Equity Atlas says 11 of the region’s census tracts are segregated low-income Asian American/Pacific Islander neighborhoods.

The report, posted online July 27, analyzes all the region’s 1,572 U.S. Census tracts by race and income to identify areas of high segregation for low-income Latino, Black and AAPI residents and for high-income white residents.

There are currently 27 Bay Area neighborhoods that are predominantly home to low-income Black, Latino or AAPI residents — 11 of which are neighborhoods with large AAPI populations, according to the report.

Those AAPI neighborhoods are all located in San Francisco, Alameda and Santa Clara counties.

The most segregated neighborhood is near San Francisco’s Chinatown and is home to roughly 1,550 low-income AAPI households and roughly a dozen high-income white households.

In San Jose, near the Chinese Cultural Garden, there are more than 750 low-income AAPI households and only 22 low-income white households.

“Systemic inequities have relegated many Black, Latinx and AAPI residents to disinvested, higher poverty neighborhoods that limit access to jobs, services, high-quality education, parks, and other amenities that are key to economic success,” the report says.

The analysis is based on the “Index of Concentration at the Extremes,” which incorporates both economic segregation and racial and ethnic segregation.

The index is calculated by subtracting the number of low-income Black, Latino or Asian American/Pacific Islander households from the number of high-income white households and dividing by the total number of households in a census tract.

A full version of the report can be found at https://bayareaequityatlas.org/mapping-segregation.

The Bay Area Equity Atlas is a partnership between PolicyLink, the USC Equity Research Institute and the San Francisco Foundation

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