Nichi Bei News columnist Jeff Asai, a Yonsei who grew up attending the San Jose Betsuin Buddhist Church, writes from the town of Asuka, Nara Prefecture, where he serves as an assistant minister at a Jodo-shu temple, Jokokuji, teaches English and lives with his wife Yae Hosokawa with their children Madoka and Yui. He can be reached via e-mail at The views expressed in the preceding column are not necessarily those of the Nichi Bei News.
One of the fascinating things about living in a foreign country is the apparent contradictions. For example, Japan is often seen as a high-tech country and in many aspects, it […] READ MORE
We can calculate life expectancy in several ways, depending on the data we include. But one thing is consistent; any way you calculate it, Japan is always near the top. […] READ MORE
Jeff Asai, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
Nothing makes my eyes glaze over more than the words: “When I was young…” I dislike going on trips of nostalgia through rose-tinted glasses, mostly because it sounds like an […] READ MORE
Jeff Asai, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
Here are an assortment of my thoughts, some serious, some not, about the past year: • Skills I gained this year: I am better at teleconferencing, gardening and washing my […] READ MORE
Jeff Asai, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
On Aug. 28, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced his retirement due to health reasons, and Sept. 16, less than three weeks later, his successor Yoshihide Suga had been named […] READ MORE
Jeff Asai, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
On June 7, I participated in a Black Lives Matter Peace March in Osaka. The event was boosted by a retweet from tennis superstar Naomi Osaka, for which she took […] READ MORE
Parents face many tough questions when it comes to raising a child: what to do about bed-times, allowance, screen-time, punishments, afterschool activities, diet, religion, and more. You also have to […] READ MORE
Jeff Asai, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
In Japan, sending New Year’s greetings cards (nengajo) is a big deal. It’s much like the American tradition of sending Christmas cards, except in Japan there is $820 million dollars […] READ MORE
Jeff Asai, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
The word Obon in America, and the word in Japan, are two very different things. Many people in America link Obon to the street festivals and dancing that takes place […] READ MORE
Jeff Asai, Nichi Bei Weekly Columnist
I’ve been teaching English in Japan for a long time, and around New Year’s, I always ask students if they eat osechi ryori. Out of the 50 or so elementary […] READ MORE