Japanese American Community Events

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Berkeley: Toward a Sustainable Energy Policy after Fukushima: Voices for Reform talk

26 Oct 28 Oct

The Center for Japanese Studies at UC Berkeley will host “Toward a Sustainable Energy Policy after Fukushima: Voices for Reform” from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Institute of East Asian Studies, 2223 Fulton, Sixth floor, IEAS Conference Room, Berkeley, Calif. The conference will feature visiting professors from Japan: Hideaki Takabe, Osaka University; Yasuo Goto, Fukushima University; Nobuyo Goto, Fukushima Medical University with Steve Vogel, UC Berkeley, serving as moderator. Event is free to the public. Info: cjs-events@berkeley.edu, (510) 642-3415.

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October 26, 2011
October 28, 2011


Institute of East Asian Studies
2223 Fulton, Sixth floor, IEAS Conference Room
Berkeley, CA United States
(510) 642-3415