Japanese American Community Events

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Oakland: Oakland BC Bon Odori

04 Aug

Imagawayaki, chicken and steak teriyaki, children’s games, crafts, plants booth, raffle prizes, temple tour Obon Festival: Sat., Aug. 4 from 3 to 9 p.m.; Bon Odori 7:30 to 9 p.m. Ikebana, tea ceremony, Eden Aoba Taiko, San Jose Chidori Band, Japanese foods and desserts, Bon Odori Hatsu-Bon service: Sun., Aug. 5 at 9:30 a.m.; Family Obon service at 10:30 a.m. Bon Odori practice: July 16, 18, 24, 26 and 30, Aug. 1 and 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Social Hall Since: Before WWII; 100 to 200 dancers


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August 4, 2012


Oakland Buddhist Church
825 Jackson St
Oakland, CA United States
+ Google Map
(510) 832-5988