Japanese American Community Events
E-mail calendar@nichibeiweekly.org to submit your own Japanese American and Asian American events for potential inclusion in our print and Web calendars.
The Eden Township Annual food bazaar will be held on Saturday, from 3 to 8 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Eden Japanese Community Center, 710 Elgin St. in San Lorenzo, Calif. Eden Aoba Taiko will be featured on both days. Chicken and rib combo dinners, chicken dinners, sno-cone, curry rice, sushi, corn, Spam musubi and other items will be sold. Games for children, bingo for adults, and a silent auction to benefit the Eden Athletic Club. Raffle drawing to be held Sunday at 7 p.m. to close out the bazaar.
Info: Contact Ron Sakaue (510) 276-0752, or Ed Oda (510) 538-6380.