Japanese American Community Events
E-mail calendar@nichibeiweekly.org to submit your own Japanese American and Asian American events for potential inclusion in our print and Web calendars.
“99 Years of Love: Japanese Americans,” a multi-episode film, will be screened in SF’s Japantown from 10:30 a.m. to noon every day at NEW PEOPLE, 1746 Post St. The Japanese-produced drama, written by Sugako Hashida, a well-known writer in Japan, spans a period of 99 years through the eyes of one family, beginning with the immigration of an Issei to America through his Nisei son joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during World War II. Stars Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, of the Japanese pop group SMAP. Admission is free. However, space is limited and an RSVP is required. Tickets and info: (415) 567-5505.