Japanese American Community Events

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SF: 9th annual Japanese American Religious Federation Curry Cook-Off

15 Oct

Ninth annual Japanese American Religious Federation Curry Cook-Off, from 4 to 7 p.m., at Christ United Presbyterian Church, 1700 Sutter St. in S.F.’s Japantown. Contestants will be judged in general and vegetarian categories, and participants can sample the different entries and participate in the vote. Proceeds from this curry cooking contest will be donated to the Northern Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. Suggested donation is $15 per person. A benefit drawing will be available. To enter your curry, contact Rev. Rodney Yano at (415) 517-1214 or rodoknee@hotmail.com. To reserve a seat, contact the Buddhist Church of San Francisco at (415) 776-3158 or office@bcsfweb.org.

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October 15, 2011


Christ United Presbyterian Church
1700 Sutter St.
SF, CA United States
+ Google Map
(415) 517-1214