Japanese American Community Events

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SF: Hokka Kumamoto Kenjin Kai New Year’s party

07 Jan

The Hokka Kumamoto Kenjin Kai will hold its annual New Year’s party and Toshi Iwai celebration from noon to 4 p.m. at the Holiday Villa Restaurant, 7007 South Land Park Drive in Sacramento, Calif. Gifts from Gov. Ikuo Kabashima of Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan will be presented to the following honorees: James Abe, Katsuki Honda, Hisako Iwasa, Asako Tokuno and Chiyeko Tsukiji; Fusaye Miyamoto, Masashi Tokunaga, Yukiye Tomita, Ted Teruo Uyeda and Richard Yamaichi. Reservations begin at $25, members who are age 80 and older, as well as those who joined in 2011, will be able to attend as special guests. Dues are $5 for individuals or $10 per couple. Attendees should mail their luncheon reservation and membership fees to: George Morita, 1437 Joel Court, Sacramento, CA 95822. Checks should be payable to: Hokka Kenjin Kai. Deadline to RSVP is Friday, Dec. 30. 

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January 7, 2012
$5 – $80


Holiday Villa Restaurant
7007 South Land Park Drive
Sacramento, CA United States
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