Japanese American Community Events
E-mail calendar@nichibeiweekly.org to submit your own Japanese American and Asian American events for potential inclusion in our print and Web calendars.
The Japanese American Museum of San Jose (JAMsj) will host “A Sense of Place: Sharing Your Camp Experience Through Imagery: An intergenerational art collage workshop facilitated by Felicia Hoshino” from 1 to 3 p.m. at 535 North Fifth St. in San Jose’s Japantown. Participants may bring personal snapshots and keepsakes from the past, for inspiration. The museum invites participants to come on their own or bring family members to share in the process. The free workshop is limited to 12 individuals or intergenerational pairings. Award-winning illustrator Felicia Hoshino will facilitate the workshop. RSVP: Jill Shiraki at (510) 734-0875 or jshiraki@sbcglobal.net.