Japanese American Community Events
E-mail calendar@nichibeiweekly.org to submit your own Japanese American and Asian American events for potential inclusion in our print and Web calendars.
The Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California (JCCCNC) is hosting a one-night screening of “The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom,” a documentary that follows the survivors of the areas hardest hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Screening will be held at Sundance Kabuki Cinemas, 1881 Post St. in S.F.’s Japantown at 7 p.m. A sneak preview of “Stories from Tohoku: With Heart and Hope,” a documentary that shows personal stories that reveal the link between Japanese American fundraising efforts in the U.S. and how they are helping people in the Tohoku region, will be screened. JCCCNC Executive Director and Coordinator of the Northern Japan Earthquake and Relief Fund, Paul Osaki; “The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom” Producer Kira Carstensen (schedule permitting); and “Stories from Tohoku” Producer Dianne Fukami are scheduled to participate in a Q-and-A-format session after the screenings. Tickets: $20 for JCCCNC members, $30 for non-members; Yumi Yukawa at (415) 567-5505 or yyukawa@jcccnc.org. RSVP is required. Proceeds from the screening will go to the relief fund.