Japanese American Community Events

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SJ: San Jose Taiko camp for youth

11 Jul 15 Jul

San Jose Taiko will hold a instructional camp for youth, ages 9 to 14 years old who are beginners. Instructors for the camp are selected from performing members of San Jose Taiko and Stanford Taiko. The camp will run from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at the Braun Music Center, Stanford University, 541 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, Calif. The is a $375 cost of attendance; this includes instruction by members of San Jose Taiko and Stanford Taiko, bachi (drumsticks), mid-morning snacks, and camp T-shirt. Info: summertaiko@taiko.org, or (408) 293-9344.

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July 11, 2011
July 15, 2011


Braun Music Center, Stanford University,
541 Lasuen Mall
Stanford, CA United States
+ Google Map
(408) 293-9344