Japanese American Community Events

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SJ: Zumba Party for Japan

17 Mar

The San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin, Noriko Takeda-Rovner, Kree_Ayt {cre.ate} and the Japantown Business Association will hold the first Zumba Party for Japan from 7 to 9 p.m. at the San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin’s gymnasium, at 640 North 5th St., San Jose’s Japantown. Nathan Blake, master class teacher at Zumba Conventions and local Zumba and VivAsia instructors will lead an evening of dance fitness. Net proceeds will go directly to the ongoing relief efforts. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $20 cash only or $20 online pre-sale (fees apply); $30 cash only, at the door; LiveSV.com. Info: Norikotakeda1234@hotmail.com, http://international.hongwanji.or.jp/html/1111_1.html or www.hongwanji.or.jp/news/110311.html.

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March 17, 2012
$20 – $30


San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin’s gymnasium
640 North 5th St
San Jose, CA United States
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