Events and articles commemorating the signing of Executive Order 9066, which led to the forced removal and incarceration of some 120,000 persons of Japanese ancestry — most of whom were American citizens — during World War II.
Martha Hayakawa, Nichi Bei Weekly
SUNDAY, FEB. 10 In memory of the Nikkei who were detained in Hawai‘i during World War II, the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i will celebrate its Day of Remembrance at […] READ MORE
ERIN YASUDA SOTO, Nichi Bei Weekly
SAN JOSE — Jimi Yamaichi will never forget his long and frustrating battle to join the carpenters union, which turned away Japanese Americans and other Asians before the start of […] READ MORE
TOMO HIRAI, Nichi Bei Weekly
The 2011 Bay Area Day of Remembrance opened with the recorded voice of Dr. Cornell West asking the audience, “Who you gonna call?” for righting civil wrongs. The answer wasn’t […] READ MORE
Just a little over two weeks ago, I celebrated the 25th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday becoming a national holiday. I did so by accompanying a group of […] READ MORE