November 19, 2009 by Nichi Bei Web
Dear Editor, I’m very glad that the Nichi Bei Weekly is publishing, as it has a critical role and responsibility in maintaining the Japanese community in San Francisco and the […] READ MORE
November 12, 2009 by Nichi Bei Web
Dear Editor, I’m very sad to hear the status of the Hokubei Mainichi. However I do like the idea of Nichi Bei Weekly. We as Japanese Americans must be able […] READ MORE
November 5, 2009 by Nichi Bei Web
The recent closure of two bilingual Japanese American newspapers reflects not only demographic shifts in the community but also a time of reinvention for newspapers serving the Japanese American community, […] READ MORE
October 29, 2009 by Nichi Bei Web
The Hokubei Mainichi Newspaper, one of only two Japanese American bilingual newspapers left in California, will halt publication after its Oct. 30 issue, said Hokubei President and CEO Don Yamate […] READ MORE
October 8, 2009 by Nichi Bei Web
Gina Hotta, host of the Apex Express show on Pacifica radio’s KPFA, passed away from a heart attack at the age of 56 on Sept. 28. The longtime community activist […] READ MORE